Stretch Me

The Power of Buzzwords

Buzzwords are a form of mental prompts that empower you to look to yourself for answers and propel you to action in a positive and proactive way. With this month of October, being the season of Thanksgiving I bring you a buzzword from the Spiritual Chapter. What I have found over these years of living with buzzwords is how exciting it is to have them appear in so many ways…and places. Sometimes they feel heaven-sent for they come in a time of need. That is the beauty of buzzwords! Once you open your mind to these empowering tools, they can augment and transform your life in such an amazing way. May this buzzword enrich you, and the relationships around you.

This month’s buzzword is:

Stretch Me

Over one Thanksgiving weekend, I attended a church service while travelling, where I was welcomed with open arms by their minister and congregation. During the service, the minister shared that we should give thanks to our family and friends, even to those who “stretch” us. I loved it! His words made me, and the rest of the congregation, laugh; it was a fascinating message. It was a great reminder that, yes, we will always have those relationships that challenge us. Instead of seeing them as negative or being a problem, we can turn that thought around and see the relationship as an opportunity for growth. Hence, this fabulous buzzword, “Stretch Me,” was born, and in extremely challenging times, I expand it to “Stretch, Baby, Stretch.”