We have come to learn that we have the power to program our minds in any direction we choose. Your thoughts influence your attitude and, in turn, your actions and reactions.
Buzzwords are a form of mental prompts that empower you to look to yourself for answers and propel you to action in a positive and proactive way. Take this buzzword, embed it into your mind, and use it to make a change!
This month’s buzzword is:
For Change, Make Change
It is always easy to say we want to change our lives, but it is actually hard to do. We are creatures of habit, and once we are comfortable in a rhythm, be it good, bad, or ugly, we like to stay there. It takes an asserted amount of effort and energy to change our path. The buzzword “For Change, Make Change” is one that calls for action. It is a mental prompt to make a change in our lives, to do something different, be it emotional, physical, or spiritual. We have the power to shift our state of mind, which allows us to make this change. Taking the first step by making a change in a positive direction can open our world in a whole new way.
Next month, I will post another buzzword to help empower you and move you forward.
Please feel free to provide your comments below on how this buzzword has helped or can help you in a meaningful way. Until next month, continue to be positive!